Centru de informare

In calitate de centru de informare, BAAR are urmatoarele atributii:

a) furnizeaza, la solicitarea persoanelor prejudiciate sau a centrelor de informare din celelalte state semnatare ale Acordului cu privire la schimbul de informatii intre centrele de informare, date privind:

i) numele si adresa asiguratorului RCA pentru vehiculul condus de vinovatul de producerea accidentului;

ii) numele si adresa reprezentantului de despagubiri al asiguratorului RCA, emitent al contractului RCA pentru vehiculul condus de catre conducatorul auto vinovat de producerea accidentului, in statul de resedinta al persoanei prejudiciate;

iii) numarul contractului RCA;

iv) numele si adresa organismului autorizat sa primeasca si sa solutioneze cererile de despagubire in statul de resedinta al persoanei prejudiciate, pentru vehiculul condus de catre conducatorul auto vinovat de producerea accidentului sau pentru cazul in care persoana proprietara a vehiculului respectiv beneficiaza de derogare de la obligativitatea incheierii contractului RCA;

b) furnizeaza, la solicitarea persoanelor prejudiciate care prezinta un interes legitim, numele si adresa proprietarului, ale conducatorului obisnuit sau ale utilizatorului vehiculului condus de catre conducatorul auto vinovat de producerea accidentului; aceste date se pot solicita de persoana prejudiciata in mod direct sau prin intermediul centrului de informare din statul sau de resedinta; dovada existentei interesului legitim este in sarcina celui care face solicitarea; furnizarea acestor date se face in conformitate cu prevederile legislatiei privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date.

In scopul indeplinirii atributiilor prevazute la lit. b), BAAR are drept de acces pentru consultarea evidentelor cu vehicule inmatriculate sau inregistrate in Romania administrate de autoritatile publice, in conditii stabilite prin protocol incheiat intre A.S.F., Directia Regim Permise de Conducere si inmatriculare a Vehiculelor din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne si BAAR.


In order to obtain correct information please refresh the webpage each time you change the company name.

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Elementar
    Address: Viena Hietzinger Kai 101 – 105
    Phone: +43 5 9009 593
    Fax: +43 5 9009 393
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Belgium
    Address: Bruxelles, Rue de Laeken 35
    Phone: +32 2 214 74 45
    Fax: +32 2 214 60 57
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Bulgaria
    Address: Sofia, Prof. Milko Bichev Str. 2
    Phone: +359 2 930 25 71
    Fax: +359 2 930 25 02
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Zagreb d.d.
    Address: Heinzelova 70, HR-10000 Zagreb
    Phone: +385 1 3670 370
    Fax: +385 1 3670 389
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Pojistovna
    Address: Praga
    Ke Stvanici 656/3
    Phone: +420 2 24 405 525
    Fax: +420 2 42 455 512
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Prodromou & Makriyiannis Ins. Underwriting Agencies & Consult.Ltd.
    Address: CY-2408 Engomi Nicosia 14 Kolokotronis Str, 1st&2nd floors
    Phone: +357/22/76 10 10, +357/22/35 35 16
    Email: info@pminsurancebrokers.com

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Danmark
    Address: DK-2500 Valby Carl Jacobsens Vej 37B
    Phone: +45/33/411 975
    Email: office.dk@avus-claims.com

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: iClaim Eesti OU
    Address: EST-10151 Tallinn Narva mnt 13
    Phone: +372/6468004
    Email: info.ee@iclaim-group.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre
    Address: FIN-00180 Helsinki Itämerenkatu 11-13
    Phone: +358/40/450 4520 +358/40/450 4695
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS France S.a.r.l.
    Address: F-75009 Paris 21 rue Lepeltier
    Phone: +33/1/55 33 14 00 +33/1/47 70 02 12
    Email: office.fr@avus-claims.com

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Versicherungs
    Address: 60596 Frankfurt am Main Theodor-Stern-Kai 1
    Phone: +49 69 96249 63570
    Fax: +49 800 400 102
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz General Insurance Company
    Address: 104 42 Atena, Athinon Av. 110
    Phone: +30 210 690 57 70
    Fax: +30 210 690 59 97
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Hungaria
    Address: 1087 Budapesta, Könyves K. krt. 48-52
    Phone: +36 1 463 8514
    Fax: +36 40 421 421
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: Lausnir Lögmannsstofa
    Address: IS-108 Reykjavik Sudurlandsbraut 52
    Phone: +354 563 18 00, +354 563 18 01
    Email: lausnir@lausnir.is

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz plc
    Address: Dublin 4, Elm park, Merrion Road
    Phone: +353 (01) 613 30 00
    Fax: +353 (01) 613 36 33
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Spa
    Address: Trieste, Largo Ugo Irneri 1
    Phone: +39 02 72 16 31 10
    Fax: +39 02 72 16 40 17
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: UAB “iClaim” representative office in Latvia
    Address: LV-1010 Riga Krišjāņa Valdemāra Str. 21-20
    Phone: +3711670 61 056, +3711670 61 040
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: AFES
    Address: Vaduz, Neugasse 17
    Phone: +423 237 59 80
    Fax: +423 237 59 89
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: UAB “iClaim”
    Address: LT-08105 Vilnius Konstitucijos pr.26
    Phone: +371/60001571
    Email: info.LV@iclaim-group.com

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Insurance Luxembourg
    Address: Luxembourg, Bd. Franklin – Roosevelt 14
    Phone: +352 47 23 46 1
    Fax: +352 47 23 46 353
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Gasan Mamo Insurance Ltd. Head Office
    Address: Gzira, Msida Road
    Phone: +356 21 345 123
    Fax: +356 21 345 377
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Nederland
    Address: Rotterdam, Coolsingel 139
    Phone: +31 10 454 15 55
    Fax: +31 10 454 16 80
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Norge
    Address: Oslo Pb 870 Sentrum
    Phone: +47 46 97 56 30, +47 47 91 67 32
    Email: office.no@avus-claims.com

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Polska
    Address: Varsovia, Ul. Rodziny Hiszpanskich 102-685
    Phone: +48 22 567 12 02
    Fax: +48 22 567 47 26
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Portugal
    Address: Lisabona, Andrade Corvo 32
    Phone: +351 213 165 300
    Fax: +351 213 165 570
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Slovenska – poistovna a.s.
    Address: Bratislava, Dostojevskeho rad 4
    Phone: +421 2 496 311 64
    Fax: +421 2 606 652 06
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS SLO International Claims Service LLC.
    Address: SLO-2000 Maribor Presernova ulica 4
    Phone: +386 59 781 389
    Email: office.slo@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Seguros
    Address: Barcelona, C/ Tarragona, 109
    Phone: +34 932 285 200
    Fax: +34 932 285 200
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Sverige
    Address: S-112 23 Stockholm Scheelegatan 1 1tr
    Phone: +46/8/545 710 51, +46/8/545 710 50
    Email: office.se@avus-claims.com

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Suisse
    Address: Zurich, Hohlstrasse 556
    Phone: +41-(0)43 311 99 11
    Fax: +41-(0)58 358 40 91
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Allianz Insurance plc
    Address: Milton Keynes MK9 2XX, 500 Avebury Boulevard
    Phone: +44 (0) 1483 218 219
    Fax: +44 (0) 1483 218 219
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: DONAU VIG
    Address: Schottenring 15, Postfach A – 1010 Wien
    Phone: +43 050 330-73240
    Fax: +43 50 330 99 – 74060
    Email: fcd@donauversicherung.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: INTER EUROPE S.A. BELGIQUE EUROPEAN LAW SERVICE
    Address: Avenue de Finlande 8, 1420 Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium
    Phone: + 32 2 386 00 50
    Fax: + 32 2 386 00 58
    Email: belgium@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Address: Bulgaria, 4, eng. Georgi Belov Str.
    Phone: + 359 2 8927 229
    Fax: –
    Email: greencard@bulstrad.bg

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: DIE MOBILIAR
    Address: Bundesgasse 35, CH 3001 Bern, Schweiz
    Phone: 0041 31 389 61 22
    Fax: –
    Email: interclaims@xpertcenter.ch

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Access Insurance Agencies Ltd.
    Address: Sinas Kanther Nr. 16, Buro14, Postfach 23 286, CY-1680 Nicosia
    Phone: +357-2-287 33 33
    Fax: +357-2-266 11 67
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: KOOPERATIVA POJIŠT’OVNA, a.s., Vienna Insurance Group
    Address: Pobrezni 665/21, Praha 8, Post Code: CZ-186 00, Czech Republic
    Phone: 00420/272112302
    Fax: –
    Email: greencard@koop.cz

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: AXA VERSICHERUNG AG
    Address: Colonia-Allee 10-20 – 51067 Köln, Deutschland
    Phone: +49 (0)221 / 148 – 31990
    Fax: +49 (0)221 / 148 – 25610
    Email: schaden@axa.de
    Web: –

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: HANDLING-DANMARK APS
    Address: Lyngby Hovedgade 70 A, 1, DK 2800, Lingby, Benmark
    Phone: +45 45 20 11 00
    Fax: –
    Email: rj@handlingdanmark.dk

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: INTEREUROPE S.A. EUROPEAN LAW SERVICE
    Address: C/Mallorca 272, 8º, 08037 Barcelona, Spain
    Phone: +34 93 508 84 58
    Fax: +34 93 252 94 61
    Email: spain@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: INGES Insurance Company
    Address: Raua 35 Talin 10124
    Phone: 00376 410 436
    Fax: –
    Email: inges@inges.ee

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: INTEREUROPE S.A. EUROPEAN LAW SERVICE
    Address: 84-88, bd de la Mission Marchand 92411 COURBEVOIE cedex, France
    Phone: +33 1 55 70 22 10
    Fax: +33 1 55 70 22 06
    Email: france@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Pohjola Vakuutus
    Address: Gebhardinaukio 1, FIN-00013 Helsinki
    Phone: 00 358 10 253000
    Fax: –
    Email: motorclaims@op.fi

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dr Gudrun Heitzmann
    Address: Pflugstraße 22, FL-9490 Vaduz
    Phone: 00423-2329000
    Fax: 00423-2329005
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVIVA UK
    Address: GB-101 Willow House, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR1 03T
    Phone: +44 7800 691 744
    Fax: –
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: 253 SYGGROU Ave Athens PC 171 22
    Phone: (0030) 2109426352
    Fax: (0030) 2109426202
    Email: imperial@imperial.gr

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: UNION VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP BIZTOSITO ZRT.
    Address: Baross u. 1., Budapest, Post Code: H-1082
    Phone: +36 (1) 4864343
    Fax: –
    Email: autokar@unionbiztosito.hu

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d. (ex KVARNER VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP d.d.)
    Address: Slovenska ulica 24, Zagreb, Croatia
    Phone: +385 1/37 18 772
    Fax: –
    Email: kontakt@wiener.hr

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: Multi Serass
    Address: Sede via Sangro, 15
    20132 Milano
    Phone: 02 465474.1
    Fax: 02 465474.850
    Email: info@multiserass.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Sedgwick
    Address: Merrion Hall, Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
    Phone: (01) 261 2166
    Fax: –
    Email: liabilityinstructions@ie.sedgwick.com

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: G. Jonsson & Partners
    Borgartun 33
    Address: Postbox 1236, IS-121 Reykjavik
    Phone: +354-562 9888
    Fax: +354-561 7266
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: FOYER Assurances
    Address: 46, rue Léon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange
    Phone: 0035-2-437 437
    Email: contact@foyer.lu

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: UAB DK „PZU Lietuva“
    Address: J. Jasinskio g. 16, LT-2056, Vilnius
    Phone: +370-5-249 86 87
    Fax: +370-5-249 09 34
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: BTA Latvia Joint-stock Insurance Company Administration
    Address: 63 K., Valdemara Street
    LV-1142 Riga
    Phone: +370 5 210 26 82
    Fax: +370 5 210 26 99
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Middlesea Insurance p.l.c.
    Address: P.O. Box 337 Marsa, GPO 01 Malta
    Phone: 00356 21 246 262
    Fax: 00356 21 248 195
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Bygdøy Allé Claims handling AS
    Address: Postboks 3144 Ellsenberg 0207 Oslo
    Phone: 0047 22 12 15 70
    Fax: 0047 22 12 15 99
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: INTEREUROPE N.V. NEDERLAND
    Address: Postbus 281, 3970 AG Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Netherlands
    Phone: +31 343 2031 00
    Fax: +31 343 2031 00
    Email: netherlands@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: INTEREUROPE AG EUROPEAN LAW SERVICES
    Address: Rua Artilharia 1, nº79, 6º Esq., 1250-038 Lisboa, Portugal
    Phone: +351 211 389 082
    Fax: +351 211 312 587
    Email: portugal@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: COMPENSA TOWARZYSTWO UBEZPIECZEN SA VIG
    Address: Al. Jerozolimskie 162, 02-342 Warszawa, Poland
    Phone: (22) 501-61-00
    Fax: –
    Email: centrala@compensa.pl

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Folksam ömsesidig sakförsäkring
    Address: SE -106 60 Stockholm
    Phone: +46771960960
    Fax: –
    Email: motorutland@folksam.se

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Address: Štefanovičova 4, 816 23 Bratislava
    Phone: (00421) 257 299 198
    Fax: –
    Email: greencard@koop.sk

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: ZAVAROVALNICA SAVA D.D. (EX. ZAVAROVALNICA MARIBOR D.D.)
    Address: Cankarjeva ulica 3, SI-2507 Maribor
    Phone: 00386 (0)2 2332 652
    Fax: –
    Email: claim@zav-sava.si

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Austria
    Address: A-8010 GRAZ, Anzengrubergasse 8, Austria
    Phone: +43 501 925
    Email: office@vanameyde.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Belgium
    Address: Avenue Marnix 17,1000 Brusseles, Belgium
    Phone: +320 223 019 00
    Email: info@vanameyde.be

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Marins International
    Address: 40, Graf lgnatiev Street, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria
    Phone: +359 02 4463522
    Email: motorclaims@marins.bg

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Switzerland
    Address: CH-4002 Basel, Zwingerstrasse 10, Switzerland
    Phone: +41 61 367 93 20
    Email: info@vanameyde.ch

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Orphanides & Muratx
    Address: POBox 71200, 3841 Limassol, Cyprus
    Phone: +357 25 566 099
    Email: info@orphanidesandmurat.com

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Kooperativa Vienna Insurance Group
    Address: Brnenska 634, 664 42 Modrice, Czech Republic
    Phone: +420 957 105 105
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Germany
    Address: Maarweg 163-165, 50825 Koln, Germany
    Phone: 22 19542060
    Email: schadenbuero@vanameyde.de

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Denmark
    Address: Carl Jacobsens vej 37B, 2500 Valby, Denmark
    Phone: +45 3332 4774
    Email: info@vanameyde.dk

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Spain
    Address: Plaza Universidad 3, 5º, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
    Phone: +34 93323 8440
    Email: claims@vanameyde.es

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius
    Address: Ahtri 12, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
    Phone: +372 6116620
    Email: claims.est@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde France
    Address: 8 rue Eugène et Armand Peugeot, France
    Phone: 01 55 94 05 20
    Email: bcf@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Finland
    Address: Sturenkatu 16, 00510 Helsinki, Finland
    Phone: +358 9 47 63 63 00
    Email: claims.fin@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Liechtenstein
    Address: CH-4002 Basel, Zwingerstrasse 10, Liechtenstein
    Phone: +41 61 367 93 20
    Email: info@vanameyde.ch

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde UK
    Address: 34 The Mall, BR1 1TS , Bromley UK
    Phone: +44 20 8315 0701
    Email: enquiries.uk@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: 253 SYGGROU Ave 17122 Athens
    Phone: +30 2109426352
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Hungary
    Address: H-1118 Budapest, Dayka G. u. 3., Hungary
    Phone: +36 136 50325
    Email: vanameyde@vanameyde.hu

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Croatia
    Address: Zelinska ulica 4, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
    Phone: +38514850173
    Email: vanameyde.jadran@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Italy
    Address: Via Polesine 13, 20139 Milano, Italy
    Phone: +390 2542 510 1210
    Email: scanecho.it@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Ireland
    Address: 3rd Floor, 5 George’s Dock, IFSC Dublin 1, Ireland
    Phone: +353 1 670 2004
    Email: ireland.claims@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: NORDIK logfraoibjonusta slf.
    Address: Suðurslandsbraut 18, 108, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Phone: 354 522 52 00
    Email: nordik@nordik.is

    Country / Member State: Luxemburg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Luxembourg
    Address: 43 avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
    Phone: +352 27 86 02 57
    Email: lnfo.luxembourg@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius Lithuanian branch
    Address: Taikos pr 24A, office 408, LT-91222, Klaipeda, Lithuania
    Phone: +370 600 43020
    Email: Lithuania.claims@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius Latvian branch
    Address: Kronvalda blvrd 10 office 16, LV-1010, Riga Latvia
    Phone: +371 67 509 590
    Email: Latvia@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: O.F. Galleher & Sons Limited
    Address: 19 Zachary Street, Valletta, Malta
    Phone: +35 625 691 500
    Email: survey@gollcher.com

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Norway
    Address: Økernveien 94, Oslo 0579, Norway
    Phone: +47 22 00 20 00
    Email: claims@vanameyde.no

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Netherlands
    Address: Einsteinlaan 20, 2280 GA Rijswijk, Netherlands
    Phone: +31 70 413 73 00
    Email: claims.lat@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Portugal
    Address: Rua Ivone Silva nº 6 3ºesq 1069-130 Lisboa, Portugal
    Phone: +213 943 400
    Email: vanameyde@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Poland
    Address: Wislana 8/4, 00:317 Warsaw, Poland
    Phone: +48 22 500 66 00
    Email: polska@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Sweden
    Address: Järnbruksvägen 7, 37202 Kallinge, Sweden
    Phone: +46 457 256 00
    Email: info@vanameyde.se

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Wustenrot poistovna, a.s.
    Address: Karadžičova 17, 82552 Bratislava, Slovakia
    Phone: +421 2 578 899 01
    Email: infosporitelna@wuestenrot.sk

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali
    Address: Vojkovo Nabrezje 32, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
    Phone: + 386 0 81 61 49 60
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford & Company Austria c/o TÜV AUSTRIA Schreiner Consulting GmbH
    Address: Wiener Bundesstraße 8, 4060 Leonding
    Phone: +43 (0) 732 771 460
    Fax: –
    Email: office@schreinerconsulting.com

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: BROADSPIRE BY CRAWFORD & COMPANY NV
    Address: Jan Olieslagerslaan 41, 1800 Vilvoorde
    Phone: +32 (0)27140360
    Fax: –
    Email: info@broadspire.be

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: RECREX Ltd., Insurance Services Company
    Address: Kosta Lulchev 58-A, Sofia 1574, Bulgaria
    Phone: 00359 88 554 0020
    Fax: –
    Email: tpa.bg@recrex.net

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: RECREX c/o ODINA ASISTENCIJA d.o.o.
    Address: Županijska 11, HR-31000 Osijek,
    Phone: +385 031/212-229
    Fax: –
    Email: tpa.hr@recrex.net

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford
    Address: Türkova 2319/5b, 149 00 Praga 4, Czech Republic
    Phone: +420 241 483 230
    Fax: –
    Email: info@inservis.com

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford & Company Cyprus (GYRO SERVEY BUREAU)
    Address: 20, Thetidos Street, PANDOMUS OPALIA HOUSE, OFFICE 201, 3086 LIMASSOL
    Phone: +357 2558 7050
    Fax: –
    Email: gyro@cytanet.com.cy; info@tmn-surveys.com

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford & Company
    Address: Vester Farimagsgade 6,5
    1606 Copenhagen V
    Phone: +45 45 88 95 47
    Fax: –
    Email: auto.skade@crawco.dk

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford & Company c/o BICM
    Address: Kutte 3 74112 Maardu
    Phone: +372 50 94 330
    Fax: –
    Email: estonia@bicm.eu

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford & Company (Sweden) AB, Branch Finland
    Address: Hermannin rantatie 8, 00580 Helsinki
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: finland@crawco.fi

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford & Company c/o TEXA
    Address: 3 Rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Ilot de la Râpe, – Bât. B, 45000 ORLEANS
    Phone: +332 38 79 09 45
    Fax: –
    Email: broadspire@texa.fr

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire by Crawford & Company
    Address: Werdener Str. 4, 40227 Düsseldorf
    Phone: 49 211 95 45 62 50
    Fax: –
    Email: info@broadspire.de

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: 253 SYGGROU Ave, Athens PC 171 22
    Phone: +30 210 942 6352; +30 210 942 6355
    Fax: +30 210 942 6202
    Email: imperial@imperial.gr
    Web: www.imperialclaims.eu

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: INSERVIS MVC s.r.o.
    Address: Budapest Obuda Gate, Árpád Fejedelem útja 26-28, 1023 Budapest
    Phone: (+36) 70 77 44 389 / (+36) 1 466 99 36
    Fax: –
    Email: infohu@inservis.com / chynoradsky@inservis.com

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: Lausnir Lögmannsstofa
    Address: Suðurlandsbraut 52, IS-108, Reykjavik
    Phone: +354 5631800
    Fax: –
    Email: lausnir@lausnir.is

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford
    Address: Greenhills retail Park, Greenhills Road, Dublin 24, D24 RH59, Ireland
    Phone: +353 1 651 8712
    Fax: –
    Email: info@thorntongroup.ie

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: NMG Srl
    Address: Via Assarotti 7, int. 4, 16122 Genoa
    Phone: +39 010 8607555; +39 010 8607553
    Fax: nmgsrl@pec.it; info@nmgsrl.it

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: BICM
    Address: Gramzdas 90, Riga Dzervju 1, Spilve, Babites pag., Babites nov. Postal code: LV-2101
    Phone: +371 66000145 +37126677820
    Fax: –
    Email: info@bicm.eu

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford Partner (Switzerland) AG
    Address: Dufourstrasse 30, 8008 Zurich
    Phone: +41 43 244 87 47
    Fax: –
    Email: info@crawfordpartner.ch

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford & Company c/o BICM
    Address: Vilties g. 1-1, LT-92227, Klaipėda, Lietuva
    Phone: +370 655 68953
    Fax: –
    Email: Lithuania@bicm.eu

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire by Crawford & Co
    Address: 15, rue Breedewee B.P. 55, L-2010 LUXEMBOURG
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: peterbelis@broadspire.eu

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Resolve Consulting Limited
    Address: 161A Labour Avenue, Naxxar NXR 9025, Malta, PO Box 35
    Phone: +35621419120
    Fax: –
    Email: info@resolveconsulting.com.mt

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford & Company (Nederland) B.V.
    Address: Postbus 626, 3000 AP ROTTERDAM
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: motor@broadspire.nl

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford & Company (NORWAY) AS
    Address: Postboks 133, N-1300 Sandvika, Norway
    Phone: +47 67 55 25 00
    Fax: –
    Email: claims@crawco.no

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford Polska Sp. z o. o.
    Address: 15 Ciszewskiego Street, 02-796 Warsaw
    Phone: +48 22 622 40 14
    Fax: –
    Email: claims@crawco.pl

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: CRAWFORD & COMPANY PORTUGAL _ C/o UON Consulting
    Address: Edifício Banco BIG, Av. 24 de Julho, 74-76 – Piso 1 LISBOA
    postal code 1200-869
    Phone: 21 393 13 70
    Fax: –
    Email: gis@uon.pt

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford & Company c/o Inservis Slovakia s.r.o.
    Address: Grösslingova 51, 811 09 Bratislava
    Phone: +421252631547
    Fax: –
    Email: infosk@inservis.com

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Inservis in association with LAMDAS d.o.o. partner Broadspire, by Crawford & Company
    Address: Kettejeva ulica 20, 1230 Domžale
    Phone: +386 1 724 45 98
    Fax: –
    Email: lamdas10@gmail.com, info@inservis.com

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: BROADSPIRE – CRAWFORD & COMPANY ESPANA
    Address: Miguel Angel, 14 – 1º, 28010 Madrid
    Phone: (34) 917713600
    Fax: –
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire, by Crawford & Company (Sweden) AB
    Address: Löfströms Allé 5, 172 66 Sundbyberg, Stockholm
    Phone: +46104107000
    Fax: –
    Email: fcd@crawco.se

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Crawford Partner (Switzerland) AG
    Address: Dufourstrasse 30, 8008 Zurich
    Phone: +41 43 244 87 47
    Fax: –
    Email: info@crawfordpartner.ch

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Broadspire a Crawford Co
    Address: Tempus House 249 Midsummer Boulevard Milton Keynes
    MKL9 1YA Bucks
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: –
    Web: https://www.crawco.co.uk/

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Verischerung AG
    Address: Landskrongasse 1-3, A-1011 Wien
    Phone: +43.1.534011406
    Fax: +43.1.534011792
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA Belgium
    Address: Lenneke Marelaan 12
    1932 Sint Stevens Woluwe
    Phone: +32 2 710 10 27
    Fax: +32 2 710 10 40
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Insurance AD
    Address: 68, Knyaz Al. Dondoukov Blvd.,1504 Sofia
    Phone: +359 (2) 9267 480
    Fax: +359 (2) 9267 402
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Assurances Generales
    Address: Rue de la Fontaine 1, 1211 Geneve 3
    Phone: +41.22.3170101
    Fax: +41.22.3105595
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Orphanides & Murat Ltd.
    Address: 140A Fr.Roosevelt Av.,3600 Limassol
    Phone: +357.2556.6099
    Fax: +357.2556.1231
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Česká pojišťovna A.S.
    Address: Na Pankráci 1720 4B/123, 140 21 Praha 4
    Phone: +420 224 550 290
    Fax: –
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Versicherung AG
    Address: Adenauerring 11, 81737 München
    Phone: +
    Fax: +
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Denmark ApS
    Address: Lindevangs Alle 6, 2000 Frederiksberg
    Phone: +
    Fax: +
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Espana
    Address: C/Orense, 2, 28046 Madrid
    Phone: +34.91.330.1552
    Fax: +
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Inges Insurance Co
    Address: Raua, 35, EST-10124 Tallinn
    Phone: +372.6.410.436
    Fax: +372.6.410.438
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali assurances
    Address: 7 boulevard Haussmann, 75456 Paris Cedex 09
    Phone: +33.1.58383545
    Fax: +33.1.58381337
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Finland
    Address: Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 B 10,00500 Helsinki
    Phone: +358.9.47.636300
    Fax: +358.9.47.636363
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra Claims Services
    Address: 40, Rue le Corbusier, 1208 Geneve
    Phone: +41.22.789.1424
    Fax: +41.22.789.1817
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde & Wallis Ltd.
    Address: 34 The Mall, Kent, BR1 1TS
    Phone: +44.20.8315.0700
    Fax: +44.20.8640.1713
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: 253 SYGGROU Ave, Athens PC 171 22
    Phone: +30 210 942 6352; +30 210 942 6355
    Fax: +30 210 942 6202
    Email: imperial@imperial.gr
    Web: www.imperialclaims.eu

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Atotal Insurtech Kft
    Address: 1158 Budapest Késmárk u. 14/B.

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Oseguranje D.D.
    Address: Bani 110 (Buzin), HR – 10010 Zagreb
    Phone: + 385 (0) 1 46 00 521
    Fax: + 385 (0) 1 46 00 541
    Email: foreignclaims@generali.hr

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Italia S.p.A.
    Address: Via Marocchesa, 14, 31021 Mogliano Veneto (TV)
    Contact person: Mr. Marco Marra
    Phone: +39.041.2511311
    Fax: +39 041 5493248
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Ireland Ltd.
    Address: Greenside House, Cuffe St. Dublin 2
    Phone: +353.1.4763795
    Fax: +353.1.4755563
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: Gardar Briem
    Address: 17 Soleyjargata, 101 Reykjavik
    Phone: +354.517.3200
    Fax: +354.517.3201
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra Claims Services
    Address: Av. Guillaume 13a, L-1651, Luxembourg
    Phone: +35.2.455943
    Fax: +35.2.26440705
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: Pandi Balt Ltd.
    Address: 4-1A, V. Kudirkos Str., Vilnius LT-03105
    Phone: +370.5.268.5423
    Fax: +370.5.268.5423
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: Pandi Balt Ltd.
    Address: 7, Maza Aluksnes iela, Riga LV-1045
    Phone: +371.738.3951
    Fax: +371.738.3965
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Middlesea Insurance p.l.c.
    Address: P.O. Box 337 Marsa, GPO 01, Malta
    Phone: +356.21.246262
    Fax: +356.21.248195
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Amyede Norway AS
    Address: Nedre Slotts Gate 15,P.O.Box 865 Sentrum
    Phone: +47.22.002000
    Fax: +47.22.002010
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: ASR Schadeverzekering N.V.
    Address: Postbus 2072 3500 HB UTRECHT Netherlands (The)
    Phone: +31 30 2579111
    Fax: –
    Email: schadebehandeling.buitenland@asr.nl
    www: https://www.asr.nl

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Companhia de Seguros S.p.A.
    Address: Av. Duque D’Avila, 114 1069-047 Lisboa
    Phone: +351.21.3112800
    Fax: +351.21.3563067
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali TU S.A.
    Address: ul. Postepu 15, Warszawa
    Phone: +48.22.5430543
    Fax: +48.22.5430899
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Sweden AB
    Address: Box 8138,SE-104 20 Stockholm
    Phone: +46.8.545.71051
    Fax: +46.8.545.71050
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Slovensko poisťovňa
    Address: Lamačská cesta 3/A, 841 04 Bratislava
    Phone: +421 2 58 57 66 66
    Fax: +421 2 58 57 61 00
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Generali Zavarovalnica d.d.
    Address: Krziceva 3, SLO-1000
    Phone: +386.1.4757169
    Fax: +386.1.4757116
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG
    Address: 8010 Graz, Herrengasse 18-20
    Phone: +43/316/8037-222
    Fax: +43/316/8037-490
    Email: service@grawe.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra Claims Services Belgium Division of DEKRA Belgium NV
    Address: Zaventem Leuvensesteenweg 510 box 4/30
    Phone: +32 2 710 10 10
    Fax: –
    Email: administration.claims.be@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus Bulgaria
    Address: BG-1000 Sofia, 10, General Gurko Str., Et. 3, Ap.4
    Phone: +359/2/981 79 69
    Fax: +359/2/981 95 67
    Email: office.bg@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde (Switzerland) AG
    Address: Basel Zwingerstrasse 10
    Phone: +41 61 367 93 20
    Fax: –
    Email: info@vanameyde.ch

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Prodromou & Makriyiannis Ins. Underwriting Agencies & Consult. Ltd.
    Address: Engomi Nicosia 14 Kolokotronis Str. 1st&2nd floors
    Phone: +357/22/76 10 10
    Fax: +357/22/35 35 16
    Email: info@pminsurancebrokers.com

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus International spol. S r.o.
    Address: CZ-11000 Praha 1, Senovazne nam sti 8
    Phone: +420/224 19 00 55
    Fax: +420/222 24 73 03
    Email: office.cz@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG
    Address: D-50969 Köln, Gothaer Allee 1
    Phone: +49/221/308 00
    Fax: +49/221/308-329
    Email: int.motor.claims@gothaer.de

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Handling Danmark
    Address: Lyngby Lyngby Hovegade 70A
    Phone: +45/33/15 47 12
    Fax: –
    Email: one@handlingdanmark.dk

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra Claims Services Spain
    Address: Barcelona Calle Nápoles, 249 4a plta
    Phone: +35 93 241 97 50
    Fax: –
    Email: administration.claims.es@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: iClaim Eesti OU
    Address: Tallinn Narva mnt 13
    Phone: +372/6468004
    Fax: –
    Email: info.ee@iclaim-group.com

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS worldwide claims service EURL
    Address: F-75009 Paris 13-15, rue Taitbout
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: office.fr@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Setten Attorneys Ltd.
    Address: Helsinki Kluuvikatu 7, 5th floor
    Phone: +358/40/500 90 30
    Fax: –
    Email: info@vansetten.fi

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: AZ Allfinanz Versicherungs-Makler Anstalt
    Address: Vaduz Meierhofstrasse 4
    Phone: +423 232 73 76
    Fax: –
    Email: info@a-zallfinanz.li

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc.
    Address: GB-M2 3RS Manchester, 17 York Street
    Phone: +44 (0) 330 102 4031
    Fax: +44 (0) 1619231035
    Email: foreign.claims@uk.rsagroup.com

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: Athens 253 Syggrou Avenue
    Phone: +30/210/9426352
    Fax: –
    Email: imperial@imperial.gr

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus Budapest Kft.
    Address: H-1066 Budapest, Dessewffy u. 37.I.2.
    Phone: +36/1/473 30 60
    Fax: +36/1/473 30 70
    Email: office.hu@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Grawe Hrvatska d.d.
    Address: HR-10000 Zagreb, Ulica grade Vukovara 5
    Phone: +385/1 3034 313
    Fax: +385 1 3034 300
    Email: int.motor.claims@grawe.hr

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS worldwide claims service SRL
    Address: Udine Via Podgora 25/C
    Phone: +39/0432/1833600
    Fax: –
    Email: office.it@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: M. K. Nolan & Co Ltd.
    Address: Dublin 18 “Suite 6, The Avenue Beacon Court, Sandyfort”
    Phone: +353/1/293 0330
    Fax: +353/1/293 0331
    Email: info@mknolan.ie

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra Claims Services Luxembourg SA
    Address: Munsbach 12 rue Gabriel Lippmann
    Phone: +352 45 59 43
    Fax: –
    Email: sinistres.lu@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: UAB “iClaim”
    Address: Vilnius Konstitucijos pr. 26
    Phone: +370 5 2721114
    Fax: –
    Email: info.lt@iclalm-group.com

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: UAB “iClaim” representative office in Latvia
    Address: LV-1050 Riga Audeju Str. 15-4
    Phone: +371600001571
    Fax: –
    Email: info.lv@iclaim-group.com

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Gasan Mamo Insurance Ltd. Head Office
    Address: M-GZIRA GZR1405, Msida Road
    Phone: +356/21 345 123
    Fax: +356/21 345 377
    Email: insurance@gasanmamo.com

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Handling Norge (NLA AS)
    Address: Asker Skysstasjon 11 A c/o Sedgwick
    Phone: +47 64 80 80 72
    Fax: –
    Email: one@handlingnorge.no

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Nederland
    Address: NL-3001DD Rotterdam Postbus 30 189
    Phone: +31/10/404 13 82
    Fax: –
    Email: experts@andriessenexpertise.nl

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus Portugal Regularizacao Internacional de Sinistros Lda.
    Address: P-2970-869, Charneca da Cotovia, Sesimbra, Rua Santos Andrea, Lote 1 – Loja D
    Phone: +351/212683673
    Fax: +351/210134562
    Email: office.pt@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus Polska worldwide claims service sp.Z o.o.
    Address: PL-54-515 Wroclaw ul. Basi Wolodyjowskiej 4
    Phone: +48/71/359 83 00
    Fax: +48/71/359 83
    Email: 50office.pl@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Handling Sverige
    Address: Göteborg Käppslängareliden 1
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: one@handlingsverige.se

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus International, spol. S r.o.
    Address: SK-82005 Bratislava 25 Mliekarenska 13
    Phone: +421/2/20 90 26 98
    Fax: +421/2/20 90 26 34
    Email: office.sk@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Grawe Zavarovalnica d.d.
    Address: SI-2000 Maribor, Gregorciceva 39
    Phone: +386/2/22 85 02
    Fax: +386/2/22 85 26
    Email: mednarodne.skode@grawe.si

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: Lausnir Lögmannsstofa
    Address: IS-108 Reykjavik, Sudurlandsbraut 52
    Phone: +354/563 18 00
    Fax: +354/563 1801
    Email: lausnir@lausnir.is

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope Austria
    Address: Zweigniederlassung Österreich Paulanergasse 13/1 1040 Vienna
    Phone: + 43 1 587 10 85 10

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope
    Address: Boulevard de France 9, B-1420 Braine-l’Alleud
    Phone: +32 (0)2 386 00 50
    Fax: +32 (0)2 386 00 58
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus Bulgaria
    Address: BG-1000, Sofia, 10 General Gurko str., ap.4
    Phone: +359 2 981 79 69
    Fax: +359 2 981 95 67
    Email: office.bg@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde (Switzerland) AG
    Address: Zwingerstrasse 10
    CH-4002 Basel
    Phone: +41 61 367 93 24
    Fax: +41 61 367 93 21
    Email: info@vanameyde.ch

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Εthniki General INS. LTD
    Address: Nicosia – Cyprus
    23a Ariadnis str.
    Phone: +35722841000
    Fax: +35722841009
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus International spol. S r.o.
    Address: Praha 1, Senovazne nam sti 8
    Phone: +420/224 19 00 55
    Fax: +420/222 24 73 03
    Email: office.praha@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope AG
    Address: Hansaallee 249 B 40549 Düsseldorf
    Phone: + 49 (0) 211 972 600 0
    Fax: + 49 (0) 211 972 600 10
    Email: germany@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Denmark ApS
    Address: Lindevangs Allé 6, 2000 Frederiksberg
    Phone: +45 33 32 47 74
    Fax: +45 33 15 47 12
    Email: info@vanameyde.dk

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope SA
    Address: C/Mallorca 272, 8º
    08037 Barcelona
    Phone: +34 93 508 84 58
    Fax: +34 93 252 94 61
    Email: spain@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Estonia
    Address: c/o Lars Krogius Baltic, Ahtri 12, 10151 Tallinn, Eesti
    Phone: +372 6116620
    Mobile: +372 5014774
    Fax: +372 611 66 85
    Email: estonia@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope s.a. European Law Service
    Address:84-88, bd de la Mission Marchand 92411 COURBEVOIE cedex
    Phone: +33 1 55 70 22 10
    Fax: +33 1 55 70 22 06
    Email: france@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius
    Address: Sörnäisten Rantatie 25A, 00500 Helsinki
    Phone: +358 9 47 63 63 00
    Fax: +358 9 47 63 63 63
    Email: ba22@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: A-Z Allfinanz, Versicherungsanstalt
    Address: Landstrasse 105, 9490 Vaduz
    Phone: +42 3 232 73 76
    Fax: +42 3 232 54 42
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope Corp. European Law Service
    Address: Fourth Avenue Trafford Park Manchester M17 1DB Great Britain
    Phone: +44 161 772 1730; +44 20 8315 07 01
    Fax: +44 161 772 1739; +44 20 8315 07 57
    Email: unitedkingdom@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Avus Greece
    Address: Parashou 143, GR-11475 Athens
    Phone: +30 210 642 98 34
    Fax: +30 210 642 89 57
    Email: office.gr@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Budapest Kft
    Address: Dessewffy u. 37.I.2.
    1066 Budapest
    Phone: +36 1 4733060
    Fax: +36 1 4733060
    Email: office.HU@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS International d.o.o
    Address: HR 10000 Zagreb Gajeva 27
    Phone: +385 1 4873035
    Fax: +385 4921050
    Email: office.HR@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope Italia
    Address: Viale Luigi Majno 17a, I-20122 Milano
    Phone: +39 02 76201301
    Fax: +39 02 76341314
    Email: italy@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Ireland Ltd
    Address: 3rd Floor, 5 George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
    Phone: +353 1 670 2004
    Fax: –
    Email: ireland.claims@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: Nordik lögfrǣiƥjonusta slf.
    Address: Suðurslandsbraut 18, 108 Reykjavík
    Phone: +354 522 52 00
    Fax: –
    Email: nordik@nordik.is
    Web: www.nordik.is

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope s.a. Luxembourg
    Address:12 rue du Château d’Eau L-3364 Leudelange Luxembourg
    Phone: +352 27 87 1 9007
    Fax: +352 27 87 1 9007
    Email: luxembourg@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde CEE Lithuania
    Address: Taikos pr.88A-314, LT-51182 Kaunas
    Phone: +370 37 407 494
    Fax: +370 37 407 495
    Email: mailithuania@mai-cee.com

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde CEE Latvia
    Address: 4th floor, 2nd Entrance, bldg. II, 31 Cesu street, Riga, LV-1012
    Phone: +371 67 298 000
    Fax: +371 67 298 030
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: O.F. Gollcher & Sons Ltd
    Address: 19 Zachary Street, P.O. Box 268, Valletta VLT 1000
    Phone: +356 256 91 550
    Fax: +356 212 34 195
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Norway AS
    Address: Møllergata 4, 0179 Oslo
    Mailing address: P.O. Box 865, 0104 Oslo
    Phone: +47 22 00 20 00
    Fax: +47 22 00 20 10
    Email: claims@vanameyde.no

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope AG
    Address: Odijkerweg 5, 3972 NE Driebergen-Rijsenburg
    Phone: 0343 531 084
    Fax: 0343 510 695
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope AG European Law Service
    Address: Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco Torre 2, 8º sala 9 P-1070-102 Lisboa / Portugal
    Phone: (+351) 213 156 112
    Fax: (+351) 211 312 587
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Polska
    Address: ul. Basi Wołodyjowskiej 4
    54-515 Wroclaw
    Phone: +48 71 359 83 00
    Email: office.PL@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Sweden
    Address: Scheelegatan 1,112 23, Stockholm
    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 17222, SE-10462 Stockholm
    Phone: +46 8 545 710 51
    Fax: +46 8 545 710 50
    Email: info@vanameyde.se

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS International, spol. S r.o.
    Address: Mliekarenska 13 SK-820 05 Bratislava 25
    Phone: +421 2 68 26 56 98
    Fax: +421 2 68 26 56 34
    Email: office.bratislava@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS SLO International Claims Service LLC
    Address: SLO-2000 Maribor, Presernova ulica 4
    Phone: +386 59 781 389
    Email: office.slo@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA CLAIMS SERVICES AUSTRIA GMBH
    Address: Lembockgasse 49 – Haus 1a/A63, 1230 Wien
    Phone: +43 (0)50 1925-0
    Fax: –
    Email: info.claims.at@dekra.com
    Website: https://www.dekra.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA CLAIMS SERVICES BELGIUM
    Address: Leuvensesteenweg 510 box 4/30, B-1930 Zaventem
    Phone: +32 (0)27101010 / +32 (0)27101020
    Fax: –
    Email: administration.claims.be@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: DZI GENERAL INSURANCE PLC
    Address: 1 “Konstantin Preslavski” Str. Sofia, Bulgaria
    Phone: +35929027133
    Fax: +35929801918
    Email: green.card@dzi.bg

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Die Mobiliar XpertCenter
    Address: Bundesgasse 35 – 3001 Bern – Switzerland
    Phone: + 41 389 61 22
    Email: interclaims@xpertcenter.ch

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: HD INSURANCE LIMITED
    Address: 8 Dasoupoleos, Nicosia 2015, Cyprus
    Phone: +35722277499
    Email: claims@hellasdirect.gr

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA CLAIMS SERVICES CZ
    Address: Turkova 1001, 14900 Prague 4
    Phone: +420267288290
    Fax: +4202641212659
    Email: registrace.cz@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA Claims Services Germany GmbH
    Address: Aureliusstrasse 2, 52064 Aachen
    Phone: +4971178614000
    Fax: +497117861744200
    Email: info.claims.de@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: HANDLING-DANMARK
    Address: Lyngby Hovedgade 70 A, Baghuset, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
    Phone: (0045) 45 20 11 00
    Email: one@handlingdanmark.dk

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA SERVICES SAU
    Address: Calle Napoles, 249-4ª Pita, ES-08013 Barcelona
    Phone: +34932419750
    Fax: +34932419751
    Email: administracion.claims.es@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: OPS EST OU
    Address: Hobujaama str.4, EE10151 Tallinn
    Phone: 3726347393
    Fax: –
    Email: tp@ops24.eu
    Website: www.ops24.eu

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA CLAIMS SERVICES SA
    Phone: 01 41 49 95 00
    Fax: –
    Email: support.claims.fr@dekra.com
    Website: www.dekra-claims.services.fr

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius
    Address: Sturenkatu, 16, 00510 Helsinki, FINLAND
    Phone: + 358 9 4763 6300
    Fax: –
    Email: finland@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Die MOBILIAR, Versicherung & Vorsorge, Generalagentur Vaduz
    Address: Zollstraße 5, 9490 Vaduz
    Phone: +41313896122
    Email: interclaims@xpertcenter.ch

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: –
    Address: –
    Phone: –
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: HD INSURANCE LIMITED
    Address: 59 Agiou Konstantinou Str, Marousi, 15124
    Phone: +30212 222 9999
    Email: claims@hellasdirect.gr

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa Biztosito Zrt.
    Address: 1134 Budapest, Robert Karoly krt. 70-74
    Phone: + 36 1 5445-555
    Fax: –
    Email: info@uniqa.hu

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: CORIS d.o.o.
    Address: Fallerovo šetalište 22, 10000, Zagreb, Hrvatsk
    Phone: +385 3688 336
    Email: coris@coris.hr

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA ITALIA SRL
    Phone: +39 0289929501
    Fax: –
    Email: cartaverde.claims.it@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: AFAI CLAIMS HANDLING LTD
    Address: Warrington House, Mount Street Cresnent, Dublin 2
    Phone: +353 2071594
    Fax: –
    Email: afaiclaims@outlook.com

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: LAUSNIR LOGMANNSSTOFA
    Address: Suourlandbraut 52, 108 Reykjavik
    Phone: +3545631800
    Fax: +3545631801
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Luxemburg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA Claims Services
    Address: 12, rue Gabriel Lippmann, 5365 Munsbach
    Phone: +00352 45 59 43 / + 00352 26 44 07 05
    Fax: –
    Email: Sinistres.lu@dekra.com
    Website: http://www.dekra.be

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: UAB OPS INTERNATIONAL
    Address: Liudviko Zamenhofo g. 3 LT06332
    Phone: +[370] (5) 279 08 60
    Email: tp@ops24.eu
    Website: www.ops24.eu

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: OPS LV SIA
    Address: Aspazijas blv. 20, LV1050 Riga
    Phone: +371 64415242
    Fax: –
    Email: tp@ops24.eu

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: GASANMAMO INSURANCE LTD.
    Address: MSIDA ROAD, Gzira GZR 1405
    Phone: (+356) 2134 5123
    Fax: –
    Email: insurance@gasanmamo.com
    Website: http://www.gasanmamo.com

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: B.A.C.H. (DEKRA CLAIMS SERVICES NORWAY)
    Address: Postboks 3144 Elisenberg, 0207, Oslo
    Phone: +4722121570
    Fax: +4722121599
    Email: claims@baclaims.no

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: DEKRA NETHERLANDS CLAIMS SERVICES/ ISB BV
    Address: P.O. Box 8694, AR3009, Rotterdam
    Phone: +31736847170
    Fax: +31736847171
    Email: nieuwezaken.claims.nl@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra Portugal SA
    Address: Av. D. Joao II, 45 – Piso 10
    Phone: (351) 213-242-010
    Fax: –
    Email: geral.claims.pt@dekra.com

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: ERGO HESTIA SA
    Address: BLS-Likwidacja / Ui. Hestil 1, 81-731 Sopot
    Phone: +48585556366
    Fax: +48585556791
    Email: greencard@ergohestia.pl

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Sedgwick Sweden AB
    Address: Englundavägen 13, 171 41 Solna, Stockholm
    Phone: +46 8 98 33 60
    Email: info@se.sedgwick.com

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Komunalna poist’ovna a.s. Vienna Insurance Group
    Address: Štefánikova 17, 811 05 Bratislava
    Phone: +421 2 63 53 22 36
    Fax: –
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: GENERALI zavarovalnica d.d.
    Address: Krziceva ulica 3, 1000 Ljubljana
    Phone: +386 1 47 57 161 / +386 1 47 57 184
    Email: gc.si@generali.com

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Donau VIG
    Address: Schottenring 15, Wien, Postfach 770, Austria
    Phone: +43(0)50330-330
    Fax: +43(0)50330-99-70000
    Web: www.donauversicherung.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: Prevoyance &Voorzorg
    Address: Rue Royale, 151 – 153, Bruxelles, BE – 1210
    Phone: 02/406.35.11
    Fax: 02/406.35.66
    Email: info@vivium
    Web: www.vivium.be

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Bulstrad VIG
    Address: 4, eng. Georgi Belov Str., Sofia
    Phone: +359 (2) 8927 250
    Fax: +359 (2) 8927 221
    Email: greencard@bulstrad.bg
    Web: www.bulstrad.bg

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Swiss Mobiliar
    Address: Bundesdesgasse 35, CH-3001 Bern
    Phone: +41313897435
    Fax: +41313896855
    Email: –
    Web: www.xpertcenter.ch

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Pancyprian Insurance CO
    Address: 66, Grivas Dighenis Ave. 1095, Nicosia
    Phone: +357 22 74 37 43
    Fax: +357 22 67 76 56
    Web: www.hellenicbank.com

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Kooperativa Pojistovna VIG
    Address: Pobrezni 665/21 Praha 8
    Phone: +420 95 64 21 111
    Fax: +420 95 64 49 000
    Email: info@koop.cz
    Web: www.koop.cz

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: AXA VERSICHERUNG AG
    Address: Colonia-Allee 10-20 – 51067 Köln, Deutschland
    Phone: +49 (0)221 148-25075
    Email: schaden@axa.de

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Handling Danmark
    Address: Lyngby Hovedgade 49 B, Baghused, Lyngby
    Phone: +45 45 88 95 47
    Fax: +45 45 88 65 11

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope
    Address: Rambla de Catalunya, 15, 2e, Barcelona
    Phone: +34 93 50 88 458
    Fax: +34 93 50 88 459
    Web: www.intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Compensa Vienna Insurance Group, ADB Eesti filial
    Address: Narva mnt.63/2, 10152 Tallinn
    Phone: +372 6756756
    Fax: –
    Email: kahjud@compensa.ee
    Web: www.compensa.ee

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope France
    Address: 84-88 bd de la Mission Marchand, F-92156 Courbevoie cedex
    Phone: +33 0155 70 22 03, +33 0155 70 22 06
    Fax: –
    Email: –
    Web: www.intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Claims Service International
    Address: Itämerenkatu 11-13, FI-00180 Helsinki
    Phone: +358 40 9220 485
    Fax: +358 40 450 4694
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Swiss Mobiliar
    Address: Bundesdesgasse 35, CH-3001 Bern
    Phone: +41313897435
    Fax: +41313896855
    Email: –
    Web: www.xpertcenter.ch

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Aviva (GB -101)
    Address: PO Box 6, 8 Surrey Street, Norwich, NR1 3NG
    Phone: 01603 686 412
    Fax: 01603 686 412
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: 253 SYGGROU Ave, Athens PC 171 22
    Phone: +30 210 942 6352; +30 210 942 6355
    Fax: +30 210 942 6202
    Email: imperial@imperial.gr
    Web: www.imperialclaims.eu

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Union VIG
    Address: Baross u.1., Budapest
    Phone: +36 1 486 42 99
    Fax: +36 1 486 43 96
    Email: autokar@unionbiztosito.hu
    Web: www.unionbiztosito.hu

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Wiener Osiguranje – Vienna Insurance Group
    Address: Glavna direkcija Slovenska 24, 1000 Zagreb
    Phone: +385 1 371 87 72
    Fax: +385 1 371 88 88
    Email: –
    Web: www.wiener.hr

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: MSA – Multi Serass s.r.l.
    Address: Via Sangro, 15 – 20132 Milano, Italy
    Phone: 02 465474.1
    Fax: 02 465474.850
    Email: info@multiserass.com
    Web: www.msa-multiserass.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Aviva Insurance Ltd (IRL – 115)
    Address: One Park Place Hatch Street, Dublin, Postcode 2
    Claims Executive, Motor Centre of Excellence
    Phone: 01 8988000
    Fax: 01 7756060
    Email: pieast@aviva.ie
    Web: www.aviva.ie

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra
    Address: Hesthals 6-8, IS-110 Reykjavik
    Phone: +3545709240
    Fax: +3545709004
    Email: info.is@dehra-claims-services.com

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: CED Claims Management
    Address: Luxembourg, 20 Rue de l’Industrie, L – 8399 WINDHOF
    Phone: +352 26 39 40 20
    Fax: +352 26 39 40 19
    Email: claims@ced-claimexperts.lu
    Web: www.ced-europe.com

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: Compensa TU –Vienna Insurace Group
    Address: Zalgirio g. 122, 09300 Vilnius
    Phone: +370 5 225 55 55
    Fax: +370 5 259 5451
    Email: info@compensa.lt
    Web: www.compensa.lt

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: Compensa Vienna Insurance Group, ADB Latvijas filial
    Address: Vienibas gatve 87h, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia
    Phone: +371 67558888
    Fax: –
    Email: e-mail: atlidzibas@compensa.lv
    Web: www.compensa.lv

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Cordina Insurance
    Address: 55 Kingsway Palace VLT 04 Valletta
    Phone: +356 212 247 02
    Fax: +356 212 414 91

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Dekra
    Address: 3144 Elisenberg N, 0207 Oslo
    Phone: +4722121581
    Fax: +4722121599
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Central Beheer Achmea
    Address: Laan van Malkenschoten 20, 7333 Apeldoorn
    Phone: +31 55 579 8067
    Fax: +31 55 579 3869
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope
    Address: Av., Antonio Augusto Agular, 118-2, Lisboa
    Phone: +351 21 315 6112
    Fax: +351 21 315 6114

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Compensa VIG
    Address: Al. Jerozolimskie 162, Warszawa
    Phone: +48 22 50 16 100
    Fax: +48 22 50 16 197

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Trygg-Hansa Forsakring (S – 1)
    Address: Stockholm, Postcode SE – 106 26
    Phone: +4677 11 11 600
    Email: fcd@trygghansa.se
    Web: www.trygghansa.se

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Kooperativa poistovna, a.s. – Vienna Insurance Group
    Address: Stefanovicova 4, 816 23 Bratislava
    Phone: +421/2/57299350
    Fax: +421/2/57299214,352
    Email: –
    Web: www.kooperativa.sk

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Zavarovalnica Tilia
    Address: Seidlova cesta 5, SI-8000, Novo mesto
    Phone: +38 67 391 7241
    Fax: +38 67 391 7306
    Email: inter.claims@zav-tilia.si

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa Sachversicherung AG
    Address: Untere Donaustraße 21, 1029 Wien
    Phone: +43 (0) 8002045555
    Fax: +43 1 211751629
    Email: kunden.service@uniqa.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: KBC Verzekeringen
    Address: Prof. R. Van Overstraetenplein, 2, Leuven, BE-3000
    Phone: 016/24.33.33
    Fax: 016/24.32.12
    Email: claims@kbc.be

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa Insurance PLC
    Address: 11-1, Yunak Str., Sofia, code 1612
    Phone: +359(2) 9156358
    Fax: +359 (2) 9156300
    Email: greencard@uniqa.bg

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Vaudoise General Insurance Company Ltd
    Address: Avenue de Cour 41, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Access Insurance Agencies Ltd.
    Address: Sinas kanther Nr.16, Buro 14, Postfach 23286, CY-1680 Nicosia
    Phone: +357 22873333
    Fax: +357 22661167

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa pojišťovna a.s
    Address: Evropska 136, Praha 6, CZ -160 12
    Phone: + 420 225393777
    Fax: + 420 225393111
    Email: uniqa@uniqa.cz

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG
    Address: Raiffeisenplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden
    Phone: +49 611 533 0
    Fax: +49 611 533 4500
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Handling-Danmark Aps.
    Address: Lyngby Hovedgade 49 B, Baghuset, DK-2800 Lyngby
    Phone: +45 45 88 95 47
    Fax: +45 45 88 65 11
    Email: one@handlingdanmark.dk

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: Mapfre Mutualidad
    Address: Ctra. de Pozuelo, 52, 28220, Majadahonda, Spain

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Pandi Balt Estonia OU
    Address: 3 Kutte Street 74112, Maardu, Estonia
    Phone: +372 6272555
    Fax: –
    e-mail: estonia.mc@pandibalt.eu

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: Macif
    Address: 2 et 4 Rue de Pied de Fond

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Local Tapiola General Mutual Insurance Company
    Address: Revontulenkuja 1 Espoo, FIN-02010 Tapiola
    Phone: 00 358 9 4531
    Fax: 00 358 20 6051084
    Email: foreignclaims@lahitapiola.fi

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Mobiliar
    Address: Bundesgasse 35,Postfach 8726, 3001 Bern, Switzerrland

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: InterEurope, AG European Law Service, InterEurope United Kingdom
    Address: Trafford Park, M17 1DB Manchester – United Kingdom
    Mrs. Claire Moffett
    Phone: +44 161 772 1730
    Fax: +44 161 772-1739
    Email: unitedkingdom@intereuropeag.com

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Imperial Claims Services
    Address: 253 SYGGROU Ave, Athens PC 171 22
    Phone: +30 210 942 6352; +30 210 942 6355
    Fax: +30 210 942 6202
    Email: imperial@imperial.gr
    Web: www.imperialclaims.eu

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa Biztosító Zrt.
    Address: Róbert Károly krt. 76-78, Budapest
    Phone: 36(1)4733060
    Fax: 36(1)4733070
    Email: info@uniclaims.hu

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa osiguranje d.d.
    Address: Savska cesta 106 Zagreb, HR-10000
    Phone: +385 1/63 24 200
    Fax: +385 1/63 24 250
    Email: info@uniqa.hr
    Web: www.uniqa.hr

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: Multi Serass
    Address: Sede via Sangro, 15 20132 Milano
    Phone: 02 465474.1
    Fax: 02 465474.850
    Email: info@msa-multiserass.com

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: ICA
    Address: Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: G. Josson&Partners
    Address: Borgartun 33, Postbox 1236, IS-105 Reykjavik
    Phone: +354 5629888
    Fax: +354 5617266

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Foyer Assurances
    Address: 12, rue Leon Laval, 3372 Leudelange, Luxembourg
    Phone: –
    Fax: –
    Email: hap@foyer.lu
    Web: –

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: SIA “PANDI BALT” atstovybe
    Address: Taikos pr. 4A, Klaipeda 91229, Lithuania
    Phone: +370 655 83 880 / +370 685 64 840
    Fax: –
    e-mail: lithuania.mc@pandibalt.eu

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: SIA “PANDI BALT”
    Address: 7 Maza Aluksnes Street, Riga LV-1045, Latvia
    Phone: +371 67 383 951 / +371 29 136 414
    Fax: –
    e-mail: latvia.mc@pandibalt.eu

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: Cordina Insurance Agency Ltd.
    Address: 55 Kingsway Palace Republic Street, MT-Valletta VLT04
    Phone: +356 21224702
    Fax: +356 21225544

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Handling-Norge
    Address: P.b 249, 1372 Asker, Norway
    Phone: –
    Email: one@handlingnorge.no

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Centraal Beheer Achmea
    Address: Laan van Malkenschoten 20, 7333 NP Apeldoorn
    Phone: 0031 55 579 8067
    Fax: 0031 55 579 3869

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Mapfre Seguros
    Address: Rua Castilho, 52. 1250-071 Lisboa. Portugal
    Phone: (+351) 21 381 97 22
    Fax: (+351) 21 381 97 39
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A.
    Address: ul. Gdańska 132, 90 – 520 Łódź
    Phone: +48 42 634 48 80
    Fax: +48 42 63 66 553

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Lansforsakringar AB
    Address: 10650 Stockholm, SE-191 35 Sollentuna
    Phone: –
    Fax: fcd@lansforsakringar.se

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Uniqa Poist’Ovna a.s.
    Address: Lazaretka 15, Bratislava 2, Slovakia
    Phone: +421 257 883 210
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.
    Address: Cankarjeva ulica 3 2000 Maribor
    Email: claim@zav-sava.si

    Country / Member State: Austria
    Code: A
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Austria GmbH
    Address: Karl-Maria-von-Weber-Gasse 9/1
    8010 GRAZ
    Phone: +43 316 760 222 0
    Fax: +43 316 760 222 13
    Email: office@vanameyde.at

    Country / Member State: Belgium
    Code: B
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Belgium
    Address: Wetstraat 26, Rue de Loi
    1040 BRUSSELS
    Phone: +32 2 230 19 00
    Fax: +32 2 230 27 54
    Email: pum.vabe@vanameyde.com, info@vanameyde.be

    Country / Member State: Bulgaria
    Code: BG
    Name of the Claims Representative: BULSTRAD Vienna Insurance Group
    Address: Positana Square 5, BG-1000 Sofia
    Phone: +359 2 985 66 10
    Fax: –
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Croatia
    Code: HR
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Jadran d.o.o.
    Address: Ilica 191f
    10 000 Zagreb
    Phone: +385 1 48 50 173
    Fax: +385 1 46 78 372
    Email: vanameyde.jadran@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Cyprus
    Code: CY
    Name of the Claims Representative: Orphanides & Murat Ltd
    Address: 140 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue, P.O. Box 50080
    3011 LIMASSOL
    Phone: +357 255 660 99
    Fax: +357 255 612 31
    Email: rotacy@globalsoftmail.com

    Country / Member State: Czech Republic
    Code: CZ
    Name of the Claims Representative: Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s.
    Address: Pobřežní 665/21, CZ-186 00, Prague 8
    Phone: +420 956 421 111
    Fax: –
    Email: info(at)koop.cz

    Country / Member State: Denmark
    Code: DK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Denmark ApS
    Address: Lindevangs Allé 6
    Phone: +45 33 32 47 74
    Fax: +45 33 15 47 12
    Email: info@vanameyde.dk

    Country / Member State: Estonia
    Code: EST
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius
    Address: Ahtri 12, 10151 Tallinn
    Phone: +372 6116620
    GSM: +372 5014774
    Fax: +372 611 66 85
    Email: estonia@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: Finland
    Code: FIN
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Krogius
    Address: Sörnäisten rantatie 25A
    00500 Helsinki
    Phone: +358 9 47 63 63 00
    Fax: +358 9 47 63 63 63
    Email: BA22@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: France
    Code: F
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde France SAS
    Address: 8 rue Henri Becquerel, 92508 RUEIL-MALMAISON
    Phone: +33 1 55 94 05 20
    Fax: +33 1 55 94 05 25
    Email: echofrance@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Germany
    Code: D
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Germany AG
    Address: Weinsbergstrasse 190, 50825 COLOGNE
    Mailing address: P.O. Box 301391, 50783 COLOGNE
    Phone: +49 221 95 42 06 0
    Fax: +49 221 95 42 06 50
    Email: schadenbuero@vanameyde.de, echo.claims@vanameyde.de

    Country / Member State: Greece
    Code: GR
    Name of the Claims Representative: AVUS Greece
    Address: Parashou 143, GR-11475 Athens
    Phone: +30 210 642 93 89
    Fax: +30 210 642 89 57
    Email: office.GR@avus-group.com

    Country / Member State: Hungary
    Code: H
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Hungary Kft.
    Address: Somlói út 31, H-1118 BUDAPEST
    Phone: +36 1 466 98 45
    Fax: +36 1 365 03 79
    Email: vanameyde@vanameyde.hu

    Country / Member State: Iceland
    Code: IS
    Name of the Claims Representative: NORDIK lögfræðiþjónsta slf.
    Address: Suðurlandsbraut 18, 108 Reykjavík
    Phone: +354 415 22 00
    Fax: +354 415 22 99
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Ireland
    Code: IRL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Ireland Ltd
    Address: 3rd Floor, 5 George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
    Phone: +353 1 670 2004
    Fax: –
    Email: ireland.claims@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Italy
    Code: I
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Italia Srl
    Address: Corso Porta Romana, 89
    20122 Milano
    Phone: +39 02 542 51 01
    Fax: +39 02 542 51 02 22
    Email: clientnewclaim.it@vanameyde.com, infoitaly@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Latvia
    Code: LV
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde / Lars Krogius
    Address: Kronvalda blvrd 10, Office 16, LV-1010 Riga
    Phone: +371 750 95 90
    Fax: +371 750 95 95
    Email: latvia@krogius.com

    Country / Member State: Liechtenstein
    Code: FL
    Name of the Claims Representative: A-Z Allfinanz Versicherungsanstalt
    Address: Landstrasse 105, 9490 VADUZ
    Phone: +42 3 232 73 76
    Fax: +42 3 232 54 42
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Lithuania
    Code: LT
    Name of the Claims Representative: Balcia Insurance SE Lithuanian branch
    Address: Žirmunu str. 67°, LT-09112 Vilnius, Lithuania
    Phone: +370 5 2000 630; 19000
    Fax: –
    Email: info@balcia.lt

    Country / Member State: Luxembourg
    Code: L
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Luxembourg S.à r.l.
    Address: 6, rue Henri M. Schnadt, 2ème étage, L-2530 Luxembourg
    Phone: +352 2786 0257
    Fax: –
    Email: info.luxembourg@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Malta
    Code: M
    Name of the Claims Representative: O.F. Gollcher & Sons Ltd
    Address: 19 Zachary Street, P.O. Box 268, VALLETTA VLT 1133
    Phone: +356 256 91 550
    Fax: +356 212 34 195
    Email: contact@gollcher.com

    Country / Member State: Netherlands
    Code: NL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Netherlands
    Address: Einsteinlaan 20, 2289 CC RIJSWIJK, P.O. Box 3038, 2280 GA RIJSWIJK
    Phone: +31 70 413 73 00
    Fax: +31 70 413 73 01
    Email: nederland@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Norway
    Code: N
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Norway AS
    Address: Nedre Slottsgate 15, Postboks 865 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO
    Phone: +47 22 00 20 00
    Fax: +47 22 00 20 10
    Email: claims@vanameyde.no

    Country / Member State: Poland
    Code: PL
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Polska
    Address: Owsiana 12, 03-825 Warszawa
    Phone: +48 22 500 66 72
    Fax: +48 22 500 66 20
    Email: biuro@vanameyde.com, polska@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Portugal
    Code: P
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Portugal S.A.
    Address: Avenida da República, Nº.62F, 7º andar, 1050-197 LISBOA
    Phone: +351 213 943 400
    Fax: +351 213 943 401
    Email: vanameyde@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Slovakia
    Code: SK
    Name of the Claims Representative: Wüstenrot poisťovňa, a.s.
    Address: Karadžičova 17, 82522 Bratislava 26
    Phone: +421 2/578 899 01
    Fax: –
    Email: infosporitelna@wuestenrot.sk

    Country / Member State: Slovenia
    Code: SLO
    Name of the Claims Representative: Adriatic Slovenica Zavarovalna dru¸ba d.d.
    Address: Ljubljanska cesta 3°, 6503 KOPER
    Phone: +386 5 66 43 600
    Fax: +386 5 66 43 615
    Email: –

    Country / Member State: Spain
    Code: E
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Espana SA
    Address: Plaza Universidad, 3, 5°-4°, 08007 BARCELONA
    Phone: +34 93 323 84 40
    Fax: +34 93 323 13 56
    Email: claims@vanameyde.com

    Country / Member State: Sweden
    Code: S
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Sweden AB
    Address: Rosenlundsgatan 54, 118 63 Stockholm, P.O. Box 17222, SE-10462 STOCKHOLM
    Phone: +46 8 545 710 51
    Fax: +46 8 545 710 50
    Email: info@vanameyde.se

    Country / Member State: Switzerland
    Code: CH
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde Switzerland AG
    Address: Zwingerstrasse 10, CH-4002 BASEL
    Phone: +41 61 367 93 24
    Fax: +41 61 367 93 21
    Email: info@vanameyde.ch

    Country / Member State: United Kingdom
    Code: GB
    Name of the Claims Representative: Van Ameyde UK Ltd
    Address: 34 The Mall, BROMLEY Kent, BR1 1TS
    Phone: +44 20 8315 07 00
    Fax: +44 20 8460 17 13
    Email: motor.uk@vanameyde.com